Recommended Reading

We welcome members of the medical community and beyond to explore this list of scholarly articles and books compiled by the Feagin Program. We hope these resources will provide information and guidance for those interested in the development of leadership skills and ethical practices in medicine and medical education.



Good to Great, Jim Collins24/7:

The First Person You Must Lead is You, Rebecca Halstead

Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman

How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale

The Art of War, Sun Tzu

On Becoming a Leader Warren Bennis

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey

The Leadership Contract: The Fine Print to Becoming a Great Leader, Vince Molinaro

Drive, Daniel Pink

Let My People Go Surfing, Yvon Chouinard

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, Sheryl Sandberg

Leading with the Heart, Mike Krzyzewski and Donald T. Phillips

What Makes an Effective Executive, Peter F. Drucker

The Secret Language of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Action Through Narrative, S. Denning


Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

The Soul of Money, Lynn Twist and Teresa Barker

Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis

Oh, The Places You’ll Go, Dr. Seuss

The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity, Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy

Leading Up: Transformational Leadership for Fundraisers, Lilya Wagner

Love & Profit: The Art of Caring Leadership, James Autry

Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Values, B. George

The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone, Especially Ourselves, D. Ariely

Leading Change, J. Kotter

Finding Your True North, B. George, A. Mclean, and N. Craig

Team of Teams; New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, C. Fussell, D. Silverman, S. McChrystal, and T. Collins

A Leader’s Legacy, J. Kouzes and B. Posner

The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, P. Senge

Don’t Believe Everything You Think: The Six Basic Mistakes We Make in Thinking, T. Kida

Mindfulness, E. Langer

Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking; The Foundation for Critical Thinking, R. Paul and L. Elder

Why Smart Executives Fail: And What You Can Learn From Their Mistakes, S. Finkelstein


Team of Rivals (Lincoln Biography), Doris Kearns Goodwin

Churchill: A Life, Martin Gilbert

My Share of the Task: A Memoir, Stanley McChrystal

Steve Jobs (Biography), Walter Issacson

Hope Unseen (Autobiography), Scotty Smiley

Iacocca, Lee Iacocca and William Novak

Duke History/Leadership

Davidson of Duke: His Reminiscences, Jay Arena

What This Patient Needs is a Doctor, Eugene A. Stead, Jr. 

Forever’s Team, John Feinstein

It’s Not About the Truth, Don Yaeger and Mike Pressler

The Gold Standard, Mike Krzyzewski and Jamie K. Spatola

It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership, Colin Powell 

How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life,  J. Barsh, S. Cranston, and G. Lewis

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance - What Women Should Know, K. Kay and C. Shipman

Mistakes I Made at Work; 25 Influential Women Reflect on What They Got Out of Getting it Wrong, J. Bacal

Leadership 2030: The Six Megatrends You Need to Understand to Lead Your Company into the Future, G. Vielmetter and Yvonne Sell

Diversity and Leadership, J. Lau Chin and J.E. Trimble

How Doctors Think, Jerome Groopman, M.D.

Becoming a Leader of Character, J. Anderson and D. Anderson

The Power Paradox: How we Gain and Lose Influence, K. Dacher

The World’s Most Powerful Leadership Principle; How to Become a Servant Leader, J. Hunter

Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness, R. Greenleaf

Authentic Leadership, B. George

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Marshall Goldsmith

Coaching for Leadership, Marshall Goldsmith 


Mountains Beyond Mountains, Tracy Kidder

Doc (Autobiography), Ron E. Losee, M.D.

Forgive and Remember: Managing Medical Failure, Charles L. Bosk

Growing Physician Leaders: Empower Doctors to Improve Our Healthcare, Mark Hertling

The Innovator’s Prescription, Charles Christensen

Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance, A. Gwande

Being Mortal , A. Gwande

Checklist Manifesto, A. Gwande

Payoff; The Hidden Logic that Shapes our Motivations, Dan Ariely

Athletics Leadership

The Last Amateurs, John Feinstein

Five Point Play, Mike Krzyzewski and Donald T. Phillips

Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy

When Pride Still Mattered (Lombardi Biography), David Maraniss

They Call Me Coach (Autobiography), John Wooden

Military Leadership/West Point

Killer Angels, Michael Shaara

Once an Eagle, Anton Myrer

A Civil War, John Feinstein

We Were Soldiers Once and Young, Harold G. Moore

Building Leaders the West Point Way, Joseph P. Franklin

American Caesar (MacArthur Biography), William Manchester

It Doesn’t Take a Hero (Autobiography), Norman Schwarzkopf

My American Journey (Autobiography), Colin Powell

Born at Reveille (Autobiography), Red Reeder

Service: A Navy Seal at War, Marcus Luttrell

The Nightingale’s Song, Robert Timberg

Absolutely American, David Lipinsky

My Share of the Task, General Stanley McChrystal