These are unpredictable and unsettling times. We believe the Feagin Program addresses and develops the exact kind of skills that leaders in health care need to lead in times like this. What follows are some recent thoughts and quotes from Feagin Program Alumni.
"Without a doubt, this pandemic is proving to be the best cauldron of leadership I've experienced. I'm particularly grateful for this opportunity to grow and learn."
— Nick Tsipis, MD, Emergency Medicine attending physician, Swedish Medical Center, Denver, CO
"Leadership matters, we are seeing why." Cam Ledford, MD, attending Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
"This is a big deal, but nothing we can't handle." Tom Lefebvre, Orthopaedic Resident, Duke Hospital, Durham, NC
"Trying to practice mindfulness and ethical medicine – virtue-based practice." Colin O’Leary, Medicine Pediatric Resident,
UNC Hospital, Chapel Hill, NC
"I've been admitting and seeing many Covid patients coming to the hospital. The whole hospital is on disaster planning now."
— Bill Diplas, MD, FL '18, Radiation/ Oncology, Resident, Sloan Kettering, NYC
"Leadership matters extraordinarily so in these times."
— Trey Sinyard, MD, FL '17, General Surgery Resident, Mass General, Boston, MA
"Grateful for the Feagin group especially as we navigate this uncertain time. 'Do the right thing at the right time for the right reason'...That's what I keep saying to myself.. This is a world none of us could have imagined (or prepared for), but what we do have, importantly, is leadership by example - like our Feagin family - and faith (of things hoped for, not seen)."
— Sarah Cotter, MD FL '19, Anesthesiology, Brigham and Women’s Physicians Organization, Inc., Boston, MA
"It is really remarkable to think about leadership at this time. I've learned a lot of lessons and am thankful for the ways that Feagin made me think critically about leadership. You have no idea how much Feagin has impacted me this year."
— Rebecca Donald, MD FL '19, Anesthesiology Fellow, Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN
"I am very thankful for my Feagin Leadership training; it has empowered me to approach the COVD-19 outbreak with a sense of calm and preparedness. From what we have seen so far, COVID-19 has not resulted in a large number of hospitalizations for children. But as a pediatrician, I still have deep concerns for my patients' overall health. When considering the broader implications of social distancing/quarantine, we need to be anticipating the downstream effects on mental health, child abuse, intimate partner violence, socioeconomic disparities, firearm safety, and access to education more than ever. I have been using my voice at work and on social media to provide awareness and resources for these issues so that providers feel empowered to address them and respond. Additionally, I have been able to help advocate for free/discounted access to mental health and fitness apps for patients and healthcare professionals; companies like HeadSpace, Calm, 10% Happier, and Peloton have responded to the call!I'm not an infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist, or ICU provider. But I am a leader and a doctor who thinks about the big picture and is not afraid to make speak up. COVID-19 has taught me that my leadership is my own, and it is needed for exactly that reason."
— Valentine Rae Esposito, MD, MHS, FL'17, PGY-1 at Seattle Children's Hospital. Duke Healthcare Leadership Model Competencies: Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Critical Thinking